Herbal remedies for hair loss
Published on September 30, 2020 | by thesundaily.my

NEETA’S HERBAL offers a safe and natural solution to combat hair problems.
A PIONEER in Ayurvedic hair treatment, Neeta Gosalia has been practising herbal treatment for the past 33 years, and has established many outlets worldwide.
While lustrous, healthy hair is a source of pride for men and women alike, many are forced to battle an array of hair problems.
Neeta introduced her corrective formulas after years of research. Commonly encountered hair dilemmas among clients include hair loss, premature greying, hereditary baldness, male pattern baldness, alopecia areata (also known as patchy baldness), and dandruff.
Research has shown that stress is a vital factor in determining hair condition. A poor hair care regime, climate changes, lifestyle and diet also contributes to the loss of hair growth. It is very important to ascertain what kind of hair you have, and then look after it in a manner that is specific to you as an individual.
“Dry hair, for example, would need plenty of nourishment specifically from the roots,” explains Neeta. Oily hair, on the other hand, requires a completely different therapy.
Hair loss falls into two categories, one where it is distributed over the whole scalp, and the other where hair loss is localised to certain areas of the scalp.
In some cases of alopecia, the condition is caused by infection of bacteria or other pathogens, whilst others may be attributed to severe systemic disease.
Neeta has seen clients walking in with utter hopelessness and pessimism as a result of their ongoing struggle. However, undergoing the herbal treatment programme has certainly changed more than a few lives.
Other problems associated with the hair and scalp include rashes, itchiness, pimple-like protrusions (sometimes filled with pus), dry and brittle hair, premature greying, patchy baldness and male-pattern baldness.
In addition, dry, brittle hair with split ends can be due to frequent perming, straightening and excessive use of the hairdryer. Pay attention to the hair root because it is the life source of the hair. It is where the essential characteristics of each individual’s hair are determined as a result of the biological processes involved in hair formation.
The root is responsible for all the natural qualities the hair possesses, such as colour, texture, length, thickness and shine. These provide the starting point for hair care products, which are designed to bring out the best in their natural qualities. Therefore, root nourishment is essential for healthy hair, and that means strong, shiny hair.
Whether you are suffering from a hair disorder or simply wish to maintain a healthy scalp, visit the Neeta’s Herbal Remedy at 101, Jalan Maarof, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, or call the hotline for outlets in Bangsar (03-2282 8868), Johor Bahru (07-5353 588 or 012-6384 823), Damansara Utama (03-7728 6751), Klang (03-33181 412).
Visit www.neetasherbal.com or email info@neetasherbal.com.
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